Admission Arrangements Consultation - Please read our Trust admission arrangements consultation on the sidebar.
We are delighted that you are considering Chorlton Park Primary School for your child and we look forward to welcoming you to our school.
We hold a number of school visits in the autumn term, if you would like to book a place please contact Mrs Phythian on 0161 8811621.
Please take a look at the film below to get a quick overview of our school.
Admission to Nursery
We provide both full and part-time nursery places for children who are aged three from 1st September to 31st August of the previous school year. Children cannot be admitted to our nursery until they are three. We aim to have all our children admitted to nursery by the end of September.
Parents and carers should contact our Admissions Manager, Mrs Phythian, if they wish to place their child’s name on our nursery waiting list.
Children’s names need to be on the Nursery Waiting List by the end of February, the school year before they are due to start in Nursery. Parents and carers will receive a letter by the end of March if their child has been offered a place.
Parents and carers need to accept this place by the deadline on the letter. Once the place has been accepted transition programme will be organised for your child. This is run by the Nursery Team.
Admission to Reception
Manchester local authority is responsible for admissions of all reception places, including children already attending our Nursery. The local authority forms must be completed by parents on-line, or parents can request a paper form. This must be completed by the nominated date in January the year before your child is due to start Reception. A late application could result in your child not getting a place at the school of their choice.
For more information about applying for a primary school place, please use this link to the City Council
Admissions to all other Year Groups
Manchester local authority manages these admissions. Please contact Manchester City Council Admissions Team on 0161 245 7166. The City Council will then notify school and children’s names will be added to the schools’ waiting list. If places are available, the Council will notify parents who will then need to contact the school to complete admissions form and make an appointment to meet with the Admission Team.
For more information about this process, over-subscription criteria and the Appeals Process, please use this link to the City Council
If your child joins us part way through their primary education our friendly staff will assist you with completing the paperwork and give you a tour of our school. You will also meet your child's new teacher prior to them starting and get all of the information you need to make their first day go as smoothly as possible.
You can also download our latest prospectus via the link on the right.